Kedudukan, Tugas dan Fungsi
Position, Duties dan Purpose

Permendikbudristek No 14 tahun 2022 tentang Organisasi dan Tata Kerja Balai Besar Guru Penggerak dan Balai Guru Penggerak
(Regulation of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Number 14 year 2022 concerning the Organization and Work Procedures of Balai Besar Guru Penggerak dan Balai Guru Penggerak)


  1. Balai Guru Penggerak yang selanjutnya disingkat BGP adalah unit pelaksana teknis setingkat eselon III.a dan IV.a di bidang pengembangan dan pemberdayaan guru, pendidik lainnya, tenaga kependidikan, calon kepala sekolah, kepala sekolah, calon pengawas sekolah, dan pengawas sekolah.
    Balai Guru Penggerak Riau Province, known as BGP is a technical implementing unit at echelon III.a and level IV.a in the field of teacher 
    development and empowerment, non-formal educators, education staff, principal candidates, principals, prospective school supervisors, and school supervisor. 
  2. BGP berada di bawah dan bertanggung jawab kepada Direktur Jenderal Guru dan Tenaga Kependidikan.

    BGP is under and responsible to Directorate General of Teachers and Education Personnel


BGP melaksanakan pengembangan dan pemberdayaan guru, pendidik lainnya, tenaga kependidikan, calon kepala sekolah, kepala sekolah, calon pengawas sekolah, dan pengawas sekolah.
BGP carries out the development and empowerment of teachers, non-formal educators, education staff, prospective school principals, 
principals, prospective school supervisors, and school supervisors


       Dalam melaksanakan tugas BGP memiliki fungsi: 
       in implementing its duries as intended,  BGP held the following functions

  1. Pelaksanaan pemetaan kompetensi guru, pendidik lainnya, tenaga kependidikan, calon kepala sekolah, kepala sekolah, calon pengawas sekolah, dan pengawas sekolah
    Implementation of teacher competency mapping, non-formal education, education staff, prospective principals, principals, 
    prospective school supervisors, and supervisors school
  2. Pengembangan model peningkatan kompetensi guru, pendidik lainnya, tenaga kependidikan, calon kepala sekolah, kepala sekolah, calon pengawas sekolah, dan pengawas sekolah
    Development of models for improving the competence of teachers, non-formal educators, education staff, prospective principals,
    principals, prospective school supervisors, and school supervisors
  3. Pelaksanaan peningkatan kompetensi guru, pendidik lainnya, tenaga kependidikan, calon kepala sekolah, kepala sekolah, calon pengawas sekolah, dan pengawas sekolah
    Implemetaton of improving the competence of teachers, non-formal educators, education staff, prospective principals, principals, prospective school supervisors, and school supervisors
  4. Pelaksanaan fasilitasi peningkatan kompetensi guru, pendidik lainnya, tenaga kependidikan, calon kepala sekolah, kepala sekolah, calon pengawas sekolah, dan pengawas sekolah
    Implementation of facilitation of teacher competency improvement, non-formal educators, education staff, prospective principals,
    principals, prospective school supervisors, and school supervisors
  5. Pelaksanaan supervisi peningkatan kompetensi guru, pendidik lainnya, tenaga kependidikan, calon kepala sekolah, kepala sekolah, calon pengawas sekolah, dan pengawas sekolah 
    Implementation of supervision of teacher competency improvement, non-formal educators, education staff, prospective principals, principals, prospective school supervisors, and school supervisors
  6. Pelaksanaan pemantauan dan evaluasi pengembangan dan pemberdayaan guru, pendidik lainnya, tenaga kependidikan, calon kepala sekolah, kepala sekolah, calon pengawas sekolah, dan pengawas sekolah
    Implementation of monitoring and evaluation of teacher development and empowermentnon-formal educators, education staff, prospective principals, principals, prospective school supervisors, and school supervisors
  7. Pelaksanaan kemitraan di bidang pengembangan dan pemberdayaan guru, pendidik lainnya, tenaga kependidikan, calon kepala sekolah, kepala sekolah, calon pengawas sekolah, dan pengawas sekolah
    Implementation of partnerships in the field of teacher development and empowerment, non-formal educators, education staff, prospective principals, principals, prospective school supervisors, and school supervisors
  8. Pelaksanaan urusan administrasi BGP 
    Carrying out the administrative matters in Balai Guru Penggerak (BGP)